NetLogo Translation Mgmt page

NetLogo Translation Management Page 


Suggestions to create the translated pages:

Many of the pages have graphic images embedded in the pages.  Here is how we can easily preserve those images AND also translate the page:


  1. To try to bring some standards to naming the pages, we will use shortened URLs with consistent naming qualities.  If you are a user of FireFox, drag this URL into your tool bar
  2. I suggest using  It is quite an amazing program with a fairly high degree of linguistic accuracy.  Amazingly, it will also automatically

    translate the pages in links below whatever page you are translatting.

  3. Copy the URL of the page to be translated
  4. Go to the Google Translate page at
  5. At the bottom of this page, paste in the URL and tell the program to translate into


HOW TO - Upload a File

  1. Place your cursor where you would like to attach the file
  2. Click 'Attach File' in the edit bar
  3. Select the file
  4. Click upload
  5. Once the file apears, click OK


Key questions to be answered:

  1. Given the power of Google Translation, one might ask, "Do we need to translate the NetLogo manual?"  Yes, at least parts of it that can be printed because our Cuban

    colleagues generally do not have access to the Internet and if they do, it is usually quite slow.

  2. Do we need to translate the labels on the NetLogo menus and buttons?  Probably not because they are going to need them in their native form when it comes to programming.

    to the Internet, and if they do, it is quite slow.  So we have to provide some ink-on-paper material.


Link to manual page in English Translator
[Name and
e-mail address]

Uploaded Spanish Version

  1. Save as .RTF file with appropriate
    file name, i.e.  "NetLogo Page #1 Espanol]
  2. Click on "Attach file" icon in tool bar right
  3. Please include date of upload


Estimated hours required
to translate
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